Well, the cost of operating the jet he flew in on is apparently $7 an hour more than the chopper. What a giant waste of money. :rolleyes:

Democrats bitching about wasting taxpayers money is the pot calling the kettle black. That is all they ever do.

Clinton made a little trip after Bosnia to a carrier. His aides stole every trinket off of the ship they could get their hands on. He made that ship be delayed, and it caused them to have to sail through a giant storm, that ended up causing millions of dollars of damage to the ships. Some of them were in dry dock for repairs in Europe for months. This is a desperate attempt to make the President look bad, and to most of us, it looks pretty stupid.

Here is another subject for the liberals to chew on. Berkley is refusing to admit any new Asian students in because of SARS. They say it is to expensive to screen them, and they are not sure if they can anyway. So they are just not going to admit them. Wow! That sounds just like the racial profiling conservatives wanted after 911. The liberals comdemned it as racist. Just an example of liberal hypocrasy.
Redsox1113: F*** Iran, the only thing that ever came out of iran was the iron sheik, and hulk hogan whipped his ass. F'em