Every time there is any debate in this board that brings up race , religion or any other controversial subject , there is massive participation from people dying to throw their hat into the ring and have their opinions heard.

There is a segment of the membership here that seems to really just be waiting for the next heated topic just for the chance to participate. There is also the occasional display of internet concern , both real and overblown when someone gets their internet feelings hurt.

The joke was that there was this huge rush by some not only to join the discussion but to find the culprit and tar and feather him. Some people showed a great enthusiasm in wanting to somehow get involved and they just couldn't. That WAS funny.

Some people here just like to argue for arguments sake. And you would have been a lot happier had there been some sort of spilover drama with a real member who was an overt racist so that you could have participated. Just because you love the drama.

Once again let's review:

It's the internet.

No one got hurt.

Nothing got broken.

No one particular person was the target.

Anyone who was genuinely concerned , I'm sure your sincerity was appreciated. Anyone who was reading and wanted to participate , although I'm sure no one will admit that was aplicable to you : HA!
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