I wouldn't pay even if I was a millionaire.

Todrick, it's great that you see all the hard work that went into it, and that justifies you spending your not-so hard earned dollars. However, the internet is populated with literally millions of extremely useful sites that all took a lot of hard work to create that don't ask for a single dollar from their readers.

Running a small internet site is extremely cheap. When one gets larger, say like XOC, and the costs get too great, you sell ad space. Maybe having a "pay site" would be worth it for those who hate ads, but look up! There are ads all over this site! :rolleyes:

I don't know what deal Ian (or Carlton) has going with advertisers and would-be advertisers, but why aren't these ads enough to pay for the site? This site has thousands of users and could generate plenty of business for anyone interested in advertising, so why the financial straits?

My guess would be most advertisers willing to pay big bucks wouldn't touch this place with a 50 foot pole. I think there are three reasons.

1. Users like us who have turned this place into a bitch-fest for political discussion, religious discussion, and general flame wars that are like no other site I've ever seen on the internet.

2. An owner who not only lets it happen, but also is a contributor himself. Not to mention numerous threats of closing this place down doesn't look so good to advertisers.

3. Carlton, who is as far as I know now in charge of advertising for this site, was one of the "masterminds" of this 20 page container of shit that you guys are trying to pass off as humor. Do you really think any potential advertiser is going to look at that little fact as "good for business?" Not to mention Carlton's penchant for editing threads of companies he doesn't like.

My God, if you were a potential advertiser, would you advertise here? And you people wonder why Nissan wants nothing to do with this site.

So Todrick, we (Ian and all the active users) could clean this place up and turn it into the gold mine it has the potential to be, or you can keep paying your money to keep it like it is. I'll spend my $20 on something useful.