Originally posted by WilMac1023:

I believe that the tobacco companies have been wrongly sued by people that knew they would get cancer from smoking.
It's true that the people who smoke know it could someday lead to cancer (for about the past 20 years now), but they (the smokers) were lied to about how additive the poisonous substance nicotine really is. The tobacco companies knew this fact, added ammonia to speed the nicotine delivery process from the lungs into the blood stream (as well as a slew of other dangerous goodies), and even went as far as to genetically enhance tobacco plants to produce higher amounts of nicotine. The worst part about this story is many other people outside the tobacco companies also knew the additive properties of nicotine (including the government), yet for years did nothing about it.

The faster the tobacco industry dries up and blows away the better I say. It REALLY erks me that a known highly addictive carcinogen (tobacco), which also creates an additonal burden on our already stressed health care system, is allowed to be legally sold in this country. Really, besides producing jobs for the tobacco industry, what good comes from tobacco use?

Ned Flanders: "Some people say being a cave man is old fashioned, then I guess I'm just a cave man...if they existed....which they didn't."

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