Originally posted by off2cjb:
Originally posted by xoc:
Originally posted by off2cjb:
[b]The conflict in the Middle East is over land, not religion. Not every Israeli is Jewish, and not everyone from Palestine is a Muslim. It is over land, and land only. You can put any twist you want it, religion included, but it is still land.
Who the hell would want the Gaza Strip and the West Bank ? It's a strip of dirt the size of Rhode Island.
No one fights over dirt unless it has oil under it, or has religious significance.[/b]
Having religious significance is totally different than fighting because of religion. Who cares if they have oil. Lets take our money out of there and give it to Russia for all their oil. Money is the root of all evil, not religion. Wars are fought over money, land, power, and greed.[/b]
Are you saying that religion has not been apart of war?
Thanks Lance