Originally posted by badercarma:
Originally posted by BoneCrusher:
[b] did anybody else notice that brainiac didnt sheild
That’s some good spelling there moron, why don’t you Shut the FUCK up until you can lean how to spell. And where do you get off saying I didn’t pay for my truck? You don’t know shit if I paid for it or not. I did pay for it, and I don’t have to prove anything to you. PUNK

Proove you paid for it.
Thats all im asking. the title with your name on it will be sufficient.

I could set fire to you son but im not going to. What im going to say to you is this. Sit down shut up and LEARN a few things. SO my spelling aint perfect. Neither is yours. Oh and your booger welds are Magnificient. You arent related to this man by chance are you.

Hey ya know what
Maybe if you keep up the welding just maybe prowelders4x4 might let you work for them. Oh the JOY.

Now shut up and go back to math class you inbred ingrate.

Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms should be a convenience store not a government agency

99% of democrats give the rest a bad name

Liberals are constantly Inflaming the culture war. They seem to forget which side has all the guns.