Originally posted by badercarma:
No one on this site does that? In high school we used to have contests to see how could get the highest in the snow bank in the parking lot, it was great, they used to have these huge snow piles. I remember getting my trooper stuck because the hitch was dug right into the pavement, it would be like straight up and down. I guess everyone on here must be pussys.
yes dude, in high school some people at my school did the same thing. the thing is, they were what we call morons and usually always got suspended or expelled from school.

cant say i didnt have fun with my truck in the snow, but most of the fun i had was either on a trail or just waking up in the morning with 3 feet of unplowed snow to barge through on the WAY to school... not in a parking lot trying to look cool to all my friends.

whatever though, here I am telling a person only 2 years younger than me that hes immature. :p