[B}I for one, would go with form AND function, not one or the other. Thats what differentiates a craftsman from a handy man. [Finger] And from what I've seen on this site, most of the rigs here are done by people that want both form AND function.[/B]
Really? I've seen very few people around here that make form AND function high priorities. The majority I've seen would balk at scratching the paint, would balk at drilling a hole through sheet metal to attach anything, think a brush guard will protect anything, and actually think the more lights up top, the better offroading they can do.


At any rate, there's no reason to argue. Some people think it has to be pretty in order to function. Others think it damn well better function, long before the prettiness is even considered. And others think that if you can't make it functional AND pretty, then there's no reason to do it all. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.

That's the beauty of America... I can flat out disagree w/ you, and it doesn't matter one bit.