Originally posted by Mobycat:
You're an idiot.

They came to the bargaining table hat in hand, eh? I guess that's why we see this picture (helicopter on Embassy):

The North Vietnamese ignored the cease fire when we started pulling out. What makes you think it would be any different in Iraq?[/QB]
mmmm...wrong again there genius...Us pulling out was a POLITICAL decision designed to save face....getting them to the bargaining table to agree to a cease-fire(yeah right), was a MILITARY decision...and as far as wether I would think it would be any different in Iraq...somehow I don't remeber many Japanese acting too ballsy and still f-ing around with us after we incinerated Hiroshima and Nagasaki....oh, and saying because I think America should always use every weapon at our disposal to end every conflict as quickly as possible with the fewest American casualities means that I agreed with the extermination of the Jews by Nazis or that I am a fag because I feel this way is just another sign that you are dumber than dirt and have no intelligent or well thought out argument in return and therefore have to resort to name calling....just like most 3 year olds who dont have any clue as to how the real world works....Why dont you go back to school and get a degree in history or even better...join a division of the military and then come back and talk to me...