*Every organization, religious and private, would be open to attack regardless of the values held by their members.

--Like these same organizations aren't facing attack by a thousand splintered special-interest groups as it is?

*Every religion (including Islam which is the liberals current favorite and rabidly anti-homosexual) would have to comply with this so-called acceptance designated by law.

--Well, I couldn't give a fuck what happens to any religion. Let 'em suffer . . .

*Legally protected access to children regardless of the parents values.

--Ever heard of private schools? All kinds of assholes already in the Public School System. If you think kids are safe now, you don't care much for children . . . cool, Johnny won't learn what a homosexual is. Good. Just hope he isn't shot on the playground . . .

*Deviants will be adopting children.

--Hell, Susan Smith and Andrea Yates had theirs legally, the old-fashioned way.

Worked out well, eh?

*Private Health Care companies will be under financial assault with legal gay lovers being covered for AIDS expenses.

--Not like those thousands of heterosexual AIDS victims dying across the country weekly . . .

*Institution of marraige would further crumble.

--Nope. The institution of marriage will crumble because men cheat on women, women cheat on men. If you can't make a marriage work, don't blame someone else . . .

*Hate crimes lawsuits crippling government and business.

--As opposed to lawsuits over hot coffee? Fat-making hamburgers? Damn those gays, they'll damage the court system . . .

*More Gay Civil rights lawsuits given teeth with new legislation.

--How about that?

These are just a few. The damage would be much greater on society.

Are you a gay like Sean?

--Don't think so. Maybe I'm gay like you?
Does anybody remember laughter?