Okay, this is sooo fucking funny. The liberals on this board, (why do they all seem to be in Graphic Arts) are pissed off and calling for the job/head of someone for voicing his opinion.

Let that sink in hypocrites.

The liberals are mad because someone voiced his opinion.

Aren't you supposed to say, well that is his opinion?

Personally I don't agree with what the guy said, but I think you are all a bunch of fucking whiny bitches. You clamor the first amendment ONLY when it's something you agree with.

Again, let this try to sink in. NOT EVERYONE agrees with the gay people. If you like to suck the root, and have your ass pounded FINE. Everyone else does NOT NOT NOT have to like it as well. Practice what you preach. You can say you prefer sex whatever way you want all day. And anyone else can say they don't like what you do.

Get over it. We're not queer and we're here. Get used to it.
I voted for Kerry.