I think the topic is a bit astray here... Please, people, read the damn article before spewing worthless crap about which Xterra owner is gay or not. [Freak]

Call me "liberal," or - in the case of NYMadman, call me a "radical" (haha) - but "Sanitorium" is full of shit. It's quotes like this little gem:

"'I think that while some elites may be upset by those comments, they're pretty much in the mainstream of where most of the country is,' Bauer said."

...that make me lose faith in our society. This moron thinks mainstream society supports these ideals? Um, no.

Or how about this one:

"'If the Supreme Court says that you have the right to consensual sex within your home, then you have the right to bigamy, you have the right to polygamy, you have the right to incest, you have the right to adultery. You have the right to anything.'"

What is he smoking, and can he pass that shit? [Smoking] Exactly how far from reality can you be to compare adultery with homosexuality? It's an interesting Republican scare-tactic. God, think of the madness! Before long, we'll be in the midst of giant Democratic orgies! The liberals - excuse me, "radicals" - will be having sex anywhere they PLEASE! We need to put a foot down and stop those homosexuals from having sex.

And finally:

"'The basic liberal philosophy is materialistic, is relativistic, to the point of, you've got candidates for president saying we should condone different types of marriage.'"

"Materialistic?" [Uh Oh !] This guy IS a Republican, right? I mean, he's not just using the party name to get votes...that would be downright...Republican. I mean, we radical left wing wackos are always rolling down the strip in our Mercedes, while our Republican enemies cruise along in VW vans...

The point I'm trying to make here, is that this is an elected official. He represents the state of Penn. and, therefore, he represents a portion of our nation. When fucknuts like this start spewing how THEIR ideas represent the "majority of the American public," it makes me want to yack. Don't vote for pricks like this and we can get back to talking about differentials and tires.