Is it just me or is everyone here forgetting a certain West Virginia Democratic Senator, Robert C. Byrd, a former leader of the Ku Klux Klan?? I think the Democrats are massive hypocrites as long as they keep this guy in office (and he has been for over 45 years) That fact alone makes Trent Lott look like MLK.

The fact of all of this crap is that the Democrats have far too long played the game of politics much better than Republicans, using the media as their weapon - creating the illusion that they're for "Middle America" and that Republicans are "For the Rich."

All of this is indeed, a bunch of bull. And Republicans are learning how to fight in politics the same way that Democrats do, which is why we now control the Presidency, House and Senate, and will for at least 4 presidential terms (that's my prediction)

Hopefully soon all this "Multiculturalism" crap that we've been putting up with since the 60s will be a thing of the past and we will no longer have to bend over backwards to make some Gay guy "feel" better. We won't pass laws like in California that says a Christian bookstore can't discriminate against hiring a Transvestite cross-dresser. We won't give black people 20 points for being black in college entrance programs. This whole "diversity" thing has gotten out of hand.

And eventually a flat tax will pass - allowing "The Rich" to keep thier money in the private sector, and invest it in our economy, rather than handing it over in taxes and losing it in the huge Beauracracy that is our government. It's called "Trickle-down economics" people, and if you haven't taken 2 seconds to understand it then you don't deserve to have an opinion.

Haha, and I can't wait for Bush vs. Sharpton, 2004!

Hmmm, sorry I didn't mean to write so much, I guess I just had to vent.
Hey I build websites!