Originally posted by Mobycat:
So Costas, tell me this...

My aunt and uncle never had kids. Does that make them less of a family?

My sister and her husband don't have kids. They've tried. No luck so far. Does that make them less of a family?
Not at all, but as a couple, they could nurture a child of their own, or adopted, and instill traditional family values in their children. I'm comparing a gay couple to a man-woman couple. If we look at the reason we even HAVE a traditional family unit to begin with is to propogate the human race, which a gay couple CANNOT DO....EVER! Oh, and let's keep technology out of this, because technology cannot replace the emotional and biological components of this matter (at least not yet)


How exactly is it killing family values? Does a gay couple adopting change the way you have your family values? Don't think so. Does it affect the way other people have their family values? Don't think so. Neither you nor others have changed their family values. I don't see how it's killing them. Each person has their own values, and what someone ELSE does shouldn't change that - if it does, then someone has a problem, and it's not the "other" person.

Just because someone can procreate doesn't give them "better" family values than someone else. How about people who can't have kids? How about those children who live in an abusive household? Hardly any good family values there.[/QB]
I'm not defending ALL traditional families specifically. I know there are many abusive 'traditional' families out there. What I don't like is being sold on the idea that gay 'families' are as valid as 'traditional' families. They clearly are not. What would happen if everyone turned gay overnight? The human race would disappear (again...technology aside).

What an individual chooses to do in their own home is their business, but I can't agree that it's normal or in the best interests of the human race.
Born to fish...forced to work!