Originally posted by Admin:
[QB]People may say they love them without actually using them, I on the other hand will wait until they are proven to be good before I shower some new company with praise just because they are making something for a Nissan.[QB]
Dude. They're f*ing skid plates. It's a flat piece of steel, w/ a few bends so it can be mounted... There's not a whole lot that can go wrong with skid plates... What would it take to "prove" them in your eyes?

Bah. Nevermind. Doesn't matter. While I normally like to try to pick fights w/ you, this one [fight] is just borderline stupid.

I'll agree w/ you on the steel prices, though. 3/16" flat sttel plate is awfully expensive; the plate alone should cost nearly as much as what they're charging for the whole skid, if you had to buy it new. The only question I would have, is where are they getting their steel from, for that cheap.