lol.... OK.
am i liberal?
or conservative?

I am:
  • Pro Choice, But support parental notification and oppose "partial birth" abortions
  • in favor of increased military spending and think the down-sizing of our military was one of the biggest mistakes America has ever made
  • Definitely a supporter of the death penalty... I even think it should be easier to execute and for more offenses... like drunk driving, if it results in vehicular manslaughter, the drunk driver should be tried for 1st degree murder
  • anti-union
  • in favor of increasing minimum wage to a livable wage
  • in favor of a flat tax
  • strongly in favor of political reforms... including but not limited to the abolishment of the electoral college
  • Strongly against gun control... I believe AZ has the perfect gun laws... virtually none
  • In favor of the legalization and taxation of marijuana
  • Gay marriage should be legal, baring that companies & governments should give "life partners" all the benefits of married heterosexual couples
  • against affirmative action
  • against prayer in school... of any religion
  • in favor of a "national language" (English) all government documents and communication should be in english... learn it of suffer
  • in favor of tightening our borders... hell go militarized... but stop the damn illegals from coming in
  • in favor of laws such as CA's failed prop 187(requiring proof of citizenship to get medical care, enroll kids in school, etc.)
  • most of all I'm sick of all these cry babies... all these racists, who call everyone else a racist... all the "You all owe me, don't you see I'm different" and in the next breath "you only say that cause I'm different than you, racist" its fucking rediculous... i don't give a fuck if your white, red, black, yellow of fuckin purple... so why do you? get over it.

(that last one was aimed at said cry-babies, and was not aimed at anyone on this bored)
anyway as far as i can tell im niether... i would never claim to be conservative and never liberal... as both terms i find offensive... so what do you call that?