good morning ny madman. go read the new testament, go read the koran. find an alternate to drumming up hate and more death.

i don't hate bush, i just do not trust him.
- has he taken care of osoma? NO
- has he taken care of al queida? NO
- has he made us safer? NO
- has he diverted troups away from the hunt for osoma and al queida? YES
- has he diverted money and resources away from the hunt for osoma and al queida? YES
- has he destroyed a country with no ties to 9/11? YES
- has he taken care of his oil friends? YES
- has he expanded the ability to spy on americans? YES
- has he made us paranoid? YES
- has he incited other free countries to mistruct the usa? YES

it is our job to question our leaders. it is our job to resist intrusions into our personal liberties. and it is our job to not let ourselves slip into the slime of hate used by others.

i refuse to perpuate the circle of hate and death.
Former member of Arizona Xterra Club
Live free. Dine well. Drink good beer.