Originally posted by xoc:
We got the people who did this, they all died when the planes they hijacked hit their targets.

i'm not going to say this or that about this or that BUT i will say about this statement is 'you're wrong". they were the bodies not the brains behind 9/11.

i'm the kind of person that just because someone said it or looked it up on the web does not mean it's true. i truly hope we all can and will remain safe, each and everyone of us.

Top 5 thing's you should know...
(1) Southeast Xterra Frontier Club
(2) "Do you have a hemorrhoid I could borrow?" 2003 Plant Tour
(3) I'm looking for a good female, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?
(4) My Xterra made it on Nissans website
(5) "there's people like GeorgiaXterra, that ruins it for everyone else..." Originally posted by Rickster43 2003