No one pays attention to these fucking idiots. They base their 'positions' on bullshit mainly. Half of them are completely clueless. The other half spew some crap they heard from the asshat next to them at the last protest. If you try to argue ANY point with them you are labeled a nazi automatically. A prime example of this can be seen on one of the Protest Warriors videos. They spot them, and notice the pro-Conservative signs and immediately start with the fasict and nazi comments. One actually tries to argue with one of the conservatives and it went something like this.

Hippie: We need to spend more money here because so many people are starving to death in our own country. (This has become a very recent argument for liberals. Quite a funny one too since they have long complained about how we should spend more on foreign aid.)
Conservative: Well, how many people actually starved to death here last year?
Hippie: Cracks a smile and admits she has no fucking clue.

They dress up like terrorists, desecrate the flag, and smell bad. If they ever had the revolution they want so dearly, they would be the weakest revolutionary force of all time. They would be decimated within hours. They don't realize that their own anti-gun attitude is exactly what would allow the government to turn totalitarian.

Their actions do bother me since we are at war. Their actions do have consequences. They of course won't think of them at all, or if they do realize their actions give comfort to the enemy would probably be happy about it. They are the zealots of the left. They would run this country into ruin if they had their way just because they have learned to be ashamed of being white people in college.

Their 'causes' are usually asinine. Little or no science or actual logical thought goes into them. Countless eco-nazi projects are prime examples of this. They often do more damage to the environment they love so much, than they help.
Redsox1113: F*** Iran, the only thing that ever came out of iran was the iron sheik, and hulk hogan whipped his ass. F'em