Originally posted by Lincoln:
All of you liberals need to stop running the party line on WMD's. These are the facts:

-blah blah blah, a bunch of right wing bullshit, blah blah blah blah...
Yeah, Saddam had weapons...that the US GAVE HIM. Last time he had them was in the mid 80's-early 90's, until he used them on the Kurds.

That ass clown Reagan was handing Saddam WMD's left and right illegally behind Congress's back. Seriously, this whole mess lays at the feet of that wrinkled old turd. Alzheimer's was too nice of a way for that devil to go.

As was said earlier...Saddam couldn't even hide HIMSELF...how could he mastermind the hiding of tons and tons of WMD's? Come on...you righties aren't REALLY this stupid are you?

oh wait...you DID re-elect Bush. You just might BE that stupid.