Originally posted by electrobuzz:
Shit, what did Reagan do about the two attacks, killing 300, in Beirut 1981? Reagan's reaction was to withdraw American forces, an act that Osama bin Laden later pointed to as an example of American cowardice. That sucked too.
I agree with you again. That did suck and it was a horrible decision!

The difference is that we didn't view terrorism as a huge threat back then.

You would think that after the first attack on the World Trade Center (during Clintons Presidency), the bombings of our embassies (during Clintons Presidency), the Black Hawk incident (during Clintons Presidency), The USS Cole incident (during Clintons Presidency)......you can see where I am going with this. You would think that after all of those attacks, that he would do something about all of this.
Schleprock, Schleprock...stronger than steel!