Originally posted by electrobuzz:
Um, MI. You fully credited the lack of attacks on our soil since '01 to the Iraq War. We haven't had a macerena-like dance since the Iraq-attack either, so keep on fighting.
So are you insinuating that perhaps terrorism is simply a fashion and that its time has passed? Surely you don't think that had we not defeated Germany we would never have gone to the moon. Thank god we invaded Afghanistan, or the rise in Xterra ownership wouldn't have occurred, under your "logic". Look for coorelations in there someplace. The enemy can't fight you everywhere. How about this for a simplified analogy. Large ships have zinc plates on them. The zinc is more reactive than steel. The seawater attacks the plates rather than the steel. So, even though the ship loses the plates, the ship itself remains unharmed.
300,000 miles, and counting