You 4x4 Nazis - who say 4x2 = [Rainbow] - are a riot. Half of you have probably never even had a real occasion to put your truck in 4WD.

Try something logic. Read this thread and you'll see responses that fall all along a continuum. At one end are those who obviously need 4WD - people who live in the North with snow, or the mountains, or are die-hard rock-crawling off-roaders. At the other end are those who live in a warm climate with flat topography, who definitely DON'T need 4x4. And the rest fall somewhere in between. That's why it's an option, Einsteins.

Besides, a well-driven 4x2 can go ALMOST anywhere you're going in 4WD anyway.

And guess is that you guys who are always screaming [Rainbow] at anybody you disagree with are probably buying your underwear from Victoria's Secret.