SOXC had a busy weekend. We had our 4th annual Christmas party and also did some other things as well.

We had about 35 people at the party this year. One of the guys actually surprised us all by having SOXC ice sculptures done up and bringing them along. VERY cool!

At the party we had members bring along toy donations for kids as well as food donations for the food bank.

One of our local vendors here, NATIONAL4WD , was in attendance and donated a nice set of IPF 968's as a door prize.

In addition to this a few of us donated our time on Sat and Sun to help deliver boxes of gifts for less fortunate kids to homes that needed them around the city.

Anyway, here are a few pics:



Vice President - Director of Operations: Southern Ontario Xterra Club (SOXC)
Member: Northern Lights - Ontario Federation of 4WD Recreationists (OF4WD)
Member: New England Xterra Club (NEXTerra)
Member: Toronto Area Rover Club (TARC)
Home Page: XterraXcursions