Originally posted by Xercise:
Your not going to find any help here!! Maybe your didn't notice, but this web site it designed for XTERRA OWNERS. When you or your fathe in law decide to buy a real SUV come back and visit.

Learn who you are talkin to or learn to read, Njx has an X, he wants to donate his X tires to his father-in-law's 4runner, and get new rubber. :rolleyes:

I didn't really want to answer because I'm not 100% on the tire size transfers. Maybe tirerack.com can help. My gut feeling is they will fit, my Toyota rims were 15x8's so that might account for some of the difference, but they originally came with 31x10.5x15's

You can take the long way around and just swap one tire and rim to see the fit, they have the same bolt pattern.. I originally tried my 4runner Cragars rims with the 31's on the X, they fit nice even with the different offset, but didn't feel like playing with the T-bars at the time.
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