You misspelled asbestos. smile

A lot of people have purchased American Racing AR-747 wheels (or other brands that are similiar in looks) to mount their new tires on. These are the black rims that several XOC members have on their Xterra, myself included. If you plan on off-roading a lot, I would suggest buying steel wheels. Genarally, steel wheels will bend and alloys will crack when damaged.

If I was you, I would try to get your hands on a set of the Nissan steel wheels that came on the base Xterras. This will solve your problem with trying to find a wheel that is the correct offset & back spacing.

Offset is the distance between the center of the wheel and the wheel face that contacts the hub. Backspace is the distance from the edge of the inner rim and the wheel face.

This link has a better definition of the terminology.

As for the AALS, can't help you there. Sorry!