Well...I didn't read this whole thread but let me say this...

I don't give a crap if XM raises rates, it's still great stuff!!!

So much better than FM you can't even compare the two...HD radio will just be the same basic crap you hear on FM but in higher quality...and you still have to listen to commercials and it will still be regulated. For those that won't pay...think of it as HBO...I won't pay extra for that (I barely watch TV as it is)...but I will for some good music.

And compared to Sirius, XM has much deeper playlists with fewer repeats. It also has a higher sound quality...not to mention the walkman unit which works great, and the ability to record shows to listen to later!!!

I rarely ever loose signal with XM...I can get full XM in the middle of my office at least 50' from a window while my coworker who has Sirius can't get anything. XM also works better under trees than Siruis...again my co-worker has trouble getting reception when we're out camping...I have no problems.

I listened to both XM and Sirius and chose XM...just a better service with better technology. (not to mention that home recivers from a ton of companies including Sony, Kenwood, Onkyo, Yamaha, and Harmon Kardon now have XM in them).

A $3 a month rasie is not bad, I actually save money, I have 2 radios at 9.99 for one and one at $6.99 with O&A on both at $2 each, and Online which was $3 so my bill was $24 now it's $20. O&A are hilarious, and I love that they have MLB. Now I can listen to my Yanks anywhere.

Also XM just launched their 3rd Sat. and the 4th is going up later this year.

XM and Sirius are great services...well worth the extra $$
