My rear wiper switch is a "rocker" switch with the washer side on top and the wiper side on bottom. With ElectroKen's delay installed as he instructed here is the way it operates:
When the wiper side is pushed it stays pushed and the wiper cycles initially and repeats every ten seconds. The washer side can be pushed at any time and the washer squirts and the wiper cycles once with each push of the switch. The only trick is that the washer switch must be held just until the wiper kicks in before you release. Then if you want the wiper to keep going every ten seconds you switch the wiper side (bottom) back on........Seems fine to me. Much much better than having the wiper running constantly as Nissan built it.
My X is a 2002 and I believe that it was built in August 2001 judging by all the stickers on all the major parts of the vehicle.

Hope this helps.
You can't tell which way the train went by the tracks it left behind.