I'm working on an inclinometer for my Xterra. I want to be able to incorporate it into my digital dashboard. I've looked on the internet for inclinometer manufacturers, but the prices are outrageous. I've decided to build my own. What I need is somebody like Electroken(hint, hint)to help me with the circuitry. I plan on building a capacitive resistance type. I'll build a circular tube with three magnet wire sensors and filled with glycol. Any suggestions on what current to run through it and how to change the output to digital using a microprocessor? I will be building one for each axis, so a circuit that can handle two inputs would be ideal. If I get this working, I'd be happy to help figure out how to make a stand alone unit for those interested. Thanks in advance.
"The trouble ain't that there is too many fools, but that the lightning ain't distributed right."
Mark Twain