I've got brats, beer, chili, jambalaya, bacon, sausages, etc. I'm bringing a cast iron skillet that we can do just about anything to. It's nice and durable for a campfire.

Chef, if you want to show your expertise, why not make up some chicken? I think that most Americans with a pulse like chicken. Plus whatever you make is sure to be damn good! There, I set the bar for you. wink

Cell phones.... I use US cellular, and there's a place where I can get service at the Harvey. I have to stand with my left index finger and thumb touching the roof rack and my right foot extended at an angle perpendicular to the xterra's closed door and no greater than 90 degrees from the sun's apogee that day, but it works! [Freak]

Either way, if you get close enough, we'll all be on frs channel ten.

See you there!