Agree with Tim - it's the sorta thing you learn by watching others go through it. I saw a Torsion Bar strip a mount first hand in order to have any idea what a Torsion bar was myself. Then the repair job on an Xterra with a rock and a couple of ratchet straps to lift the front end up enough to get off the trail was classic.

Which is why it's always best to wheel with a bunch of people who know what they are doing, if you don't mechanically yourself. If you venture along the unending 'Mod' path, good idea to install all of those mods yourself.

AZXC has mod days from time to time, where we all get together as a group and tackle any jobs people have been hoarding parts for. Very informative day to go and watch & lend a hand with other folks projects that you might want to tackle in the future.