Wanted to start an official thread to see the interest of those wanting to attend. As of right now this is what is know.

Xterra Triathalon date: April 26, 2008 (Saturday)

Time to meet before race: 6:30AM at the Gate at the end of Butcher Jones.

You will need an FRS or CB for this Xcursion. If you don't have either some of use (like myself) will have extra FRS radios with us.

I plan to camp the night before. I will be meeting just inside the green gate at Butcher Jones at 1pm. Please post up if you are interested in camping or volunteering for the triathlon or both. I will attempt to keep a running total in this post.

AZXC has guaranteed 8 trucks out there to help out. There will be free pizza, beer, and T-shirts for all volunteers.

Defibvt - Camping & Volunteering
Conundrum - Volunteering
DBAX - Camping & Volunteering
AZ-Ted - Camping & Volunteering
SoldierX - Camping & Volunteering
Onix - Camping & Volunteering
MadManX - Camping & Volunteering
RedFronty - Camping & Voluteering
Lucky13 - Camping & Volunteering
XCJ - Camping & Volunteering
PHXX - Camping & Volunteering (both tentative)
AZBUMBLEBEE - Volunteering

Info page from DCB Adventures (they host the event) Xterra Triathlon Info Page

ETA - Meet time info. Conundrum cool