This post is info on the PRE-meeting April 5th at 3pm. The coordinator wants to meet at Butcher Jones' parking area. Not mandatory, but informative and a good excuse to get out...if ya need one.

This is the email from David:
Hey Greg (Off-Road coordinator), Tim (AZXTERRA 4X4 Club), Josh (Road Safety), Nick (Run Aide Station Volunteers) and Gary (Road Safety), I am going to have a dry-run meeting for Arizona Xtreme Desert Triathlon (the April 26 event) on April 5th out at Saguaro Lake to go over each phase of the event. I know all of you know what you are doing, however it'll give my folks an opportunity to meet you all and ask questions if they need. Please let me know if this will work for you. I would like to plan on meeting at water users parking lot at 3PM if you can do that... Meeting shouldn't take more than a couple of hours, and if you are interested, I'll probably run the course after if you want to join me, Thank you, David Benjes DCB Extreme Adventures

I am all in for playng around at the Coves before and/or after the meeting and possibly camping if anyone is interested.

Again...this post is strictly info on the PRE-MEETING on APRIL 5th, not the actual race on April 26th.