Originally posted by staubers21:
Getting a liscense here is too easy. I had to learn in Germany...my bad luck. Took 24 hours of theory classroom instruction, plus 5 hours of mini roads in a go-cart (pedal Powered) to learn basic signs and rules and then 50 hours behind the wheel. Every conceivable scenario, city, country, Autobahn. Cost - 3200DM = $2000. Good thing about it, no renewal ever, it is good for life. Bad thing if you learn on an automatic, that's all you'll be allowed to drive. Everyone, I mean everyone can drive a stick in Germany. Funny, they go much faster, have smaller roads, and yet driving there is far safer than here. Hmm...I wonder if all that instruction has anything to do with it...oh by the way..no learners permits, at 18 you find a school pay your money and learn. If you fail the test, you get to do it all over again, including paying.
THIS IS THE WAY IT SHOULD BE DONE!!!!!!!!! If you make it harder to pass you will weed out the morons. If you make it expensive.......you also weed out a bunch of poor people driving beaters. Then you can tax the snot out of the driving schools and make public transit better.
There are three kinds of people in the world. Those who can count; and those who can't.