Originally posted by BigE515:
Because college basketball fucking sucks!!! laugh
not to add fuel to the fire, but ahem....ditto.
Just a reminder, playoffs start a week wednesday.

What does this actually mean? Well if you live in Vancouver it means people decorating their cars like blithering idiots and those not brave enough to wave such colours, this means placing a small team flag from the window, and that means everybody!. If the goosebumps aren't starting, one earfull of that good ol' cbc hockey tune and your heart starts pounding...

... What would you like to drink today? Corona? Heine? how about a Bud? perhaps you're feeling like a fancy pants and want a Hoegaarden?...no thanks, one ice cold Canadian for me, moonshine in a bottle ...it's playoff time! get those propane tanks filled, it's time to bbq again!