Well, after Ari left, we backed Carlos's truck into the bay. Oleg and Rich went on a hour ride to/from Home Depot in an effort to get Carlos's passenger rear shock bolted on. While they were gone, Carlos and myself cranked MORE torsion bars, and waited the daring duo's return. Rich get's back, and oleg attempts to blast our one remaining good shock nut on. Stripping that, and the bolt, Rich gets underneath, cuts off the now-smooth threads and we attempt something. Taking a lug from each rear tire, we bolt the shocks to their mounts. (Who'd a thunk) Carlos drove home, and all he has to do is grab 2 nuts from the hardware store to replace the ones we kinda killed. All in all, a good day. I'm itching for a mod now, but I want to finish the mastercard mod first...