I sure hope Calmini isn't paying you to do PR for them. It's tough not to associate your opinions with their company.

By the way, when are you going to put that Calmini bumper on your truck. You gave lots of glowing reviews of it, and apparently think the first version was perfect, unworthy of dissenting opinions. "Put their bumper where your mouth is", so to speak. laugh

Regarding the "buy it first crew" at least people are willing to buy products as they come out and give their honest opinions to other Xterra owners. I appreciate people that spend their hard earned cash to test out products, especially when the products don't turn out as expected and they are able to warn other owners.

And lastly, I think people with ARB's and KMA's are good people to share their opinions regarding Calmini. They are using a product that in their experience could be improved. Do you want people who have never driven an Xterra to give their opinions to Nissan on what could be improved for their next model year?

I know you and several members of Xterra clubs met with Nissan-USA to discuss improvements in the 2002 X. They didn't appear to apply what was said much. Didn't you slam them for that? How would you feel if some schmuck from Nissan-Japan marketing started telling you that your opinion doesn't matter because you're part of a small segment of the "fucking" offroaders who own Xterras already.

(Oh, wait that has pretty much happened hasn't it?) eek
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