Originally posted by Mobycat:
As far as make or break...you are in software...ever heard of Saga? There's your company that didn't get the "early adopters." And technology? How about Digital Compact Cassette? That really should have flown - it would play analog cassettes, too. Why do nearly all DVD's have widescreen versions? Early adopters.

Maybe you should describe your take on early adopters, I don't seem to get it.

The Sega Dreamcast is arguably still the best console on the market right now, and has been for 2 years. Sadly, Microsoft and Sony have more money, and forced Sega out.

DCC died because it was too pricey, and didn't offer anything CD/CD-R didn't offer. DAT was a better solution as well for the audio pro.

Sony Mini-Disk should have flown, but the American public was too stupid to see the quality, upset because of the limits on pirating music and simply afraid of a new format.

DVD's are widescreen because that's the way the film was shot. If you want to watch a miserable pan & scan cropped version, buy it on VHS.

Anyone who watches P&S should have their television taken away.
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