Originally posted by DesertRAT:
The SLR setup has taken the abuse I've thrown at it thus far. And that's after running 32" Swampers in the rocks in Arizona and California.

Next time you're on a bumpy road, stick your head out the window and watch your front wheels flop with the factory setup. Now imagine that eliminated for good.

Watch a Nissan on a throttled assault on an impossibly steep hill and see the tires toe in due to the weak factory CL. Now imagine that same hill with front wheels tracking true and straight.

Shit, I ought to be in advertising. LOL
I am perfectly aware of how good the SLR setup is. I also don't need to imagine the scenario you have just described. I've had it shown to me in brilliant video clarity. I watched my POS stock setup flopping around like a fish out of water on hillclimbs.

That being said, I am very aware of how stout SLR's setup is. If I could have swung the price, I'd already have it in place. I can't. I am also certain that, seeing what I've seen, Calmini's setup will be equally suitable. I in no uncertain terms want to pit one manufacturer against another. I just want the best product that I can afford to be on my truck. Sure, I'd love to have some review related to Calmini's setup to go by, but I don't.

So, I think a statement as to SLR's build quality is not necessary. Anyone who has been paying attention to the development of these various setups is aware of each's divulged pros and cons.
Brad & RedX
