holy schismo, batman!
here in richmond, parking is at least $15/day. of course, that's also because, well, it's richmond...
the real issue is that i have to work the 2 days before i leave. my vacation time is used up just because of the trip to paris, and it's not good in a company of 7 people to leave in a severe crunch time (architecture=deadlines=weekends=sucks) when all employees have been chastised for taking long vacations (which in this case, i don't have a choice- le tour is le tour)...
besides, the work i am doing now was taken on well after my trip plans were made. my company was terribly slow for about 5 months, and now to make up for it, the bosses have taken on an absurd amount of work that will have us tied up until august/sept. good for my paycheck, bad for my morale and/or social life...
but i am going to ECXC. if i have to drive all night (or drag someone with me that can drive!), i'll be there. consider me in. laugh