I have an ARB locker installed in my H233B rear diff. The locker engages and disengages without any problems. But when I switch off the locker, gear oil sprays out of the solenoid... not a lot, but enough to make a mess. It's probably the same amount as a squirt of Windex or other cleaning product. (I've covered the solenoid air valve with a rag to soak up the sprayed-out oil.)
Since the locker works (and doesn't lose significant pressure when engaged) I assume that the O-rings are OK. But maybe it's normal for gear oil to make it past the O-rings and into the air line.... ??
Does anyone else have a similar experience?
4x4 in uppercase is $X$!!!
1997 R50: VG33E/RE4R01A/TX10/3.7/R200A/ARB/4.636/H233B/ARB/4.636/321150R15