Well, I'm not to worried about making friends on a message board. I do have some good ideas and helpful hints for people when I am able to help. I have received many emails from people who were asking for help. And you know what, I helped them. I didn't give them a uninformed blow-off answer. If I can't help, I tell them "sorry, I can't help you" or I read what they wrote and say "maybe try this" or "this is how I did it". Not "Why are you using SLR's specs?". If you had taken the time to read I wasn't using them, just comparing them to see if I could find an answer. Look at gothamists posts... now there's a helpful person. Good input, give usful advice for my problem, he even supplied photo to referance what he was talking about.
Whatever Dude...
It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.