You said : "Why are you using SLR's specs ?
Regardless, all of you are going to have major problems soon with the amount of lift you've dialed in up front.
I've been running about 1.25" of clearance from the upper bump stop to the upper arm, and my steering crosslink is now toast, the end bushings are shot, and I have 3 degrees of toe-in play at the wheels."

Ian, This doesn't sound like you're trying to gather info or be helpful. It sounds like to me your explaining that people with the SLR / AC lift are stupid for installing them.
If you are actually that unhappy, You shouldn't do such a glowing write up about a lift. You sound pretty unhappy, almost dissatisfied.

[ 08-13-2001: Message edited by: stormy ]
It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.