There's a whole thread of people who were looking for a fix to the Calmini idler arm problem - you know, the one where AXLE used the sphereical bearing mod?
A local (DATZ510) created that, for the record. It wasn't Axle..
I know of people who recieved multiple replacement idler arms which also failed.
First I've heard of that.. Got links?

I have no stake in CALMINI, don't get Christmas cards from them, nuthin'. I really do wish your experience was different though. We spend a lot of time here and it's a drag to constantly see you haul out your CALMINI screwed me wagon anytime someone mentions a steering system.

If you're convinced you've been wronged, take 'em to task and get a lawyer. The inconvenience, pain and suffering you've obviously been subjected to are documented here as well..