Thanks DaveDatsun & Pacopico!

Now you've got me pretty paranoid about this pulley modification that I was planning.

I had purchased the ASP 2.35" pulley and had hoped to install it in the next few weeks. Now, other than merging onto a busy highway from a metered on-ramp, I consider my driving "moderate" (average local highway cruising speed between 55 - 65 mph, with interstate driving between 70 - 75 mph).

I never fill with anything less than 93 octane purchased from either local Mobile, or PDQ (a very large regional chain of convenience stations).

Would I be just "plain stupid" to do this modification (can you be somewhat nice when you tell me how stupid I am)? I'm just looking for that "little extra" to push my X a bit closer to it's limit.

...of course I don't want to end up buying an engine in 2003.

My reasoning for going ahead was this. Even when merging into heavy traffic, my automatic transmission shifts between 5000-5500 rpm. Since the Eaton is rated to 16,000, and the pulley mod brings it up to 15,880 at 6000 rpm, is it really pushing the engine that hard?

Given my driving habits, and 93 octane "pledge" would the modification still run into the category of "stupidity"? I may have a nice "never installed" ASP pulley for sale.



Edited - to correct a couple of typo's. Is there such a thing as too much caffine?