Originally posted by socalpunx:
To be honest guys, I'd love to lay it all out for you but there really is a lot involved. This is going to be a MAJOR lifestyle change and I will be able to spend my time doing something I love.

I didn't win the lottery but the last few nights when I've been laying awake staring at the ceiling and making plans for the future in my head, it sure feels like it.


So who's going to be out at the LDC?
Not I sir...still out here on the East coast for now...Hey...is this new lifestyle change doesn't involve any major operations or trips to the hospital does it?!?! On a more serious note...if you can pull any strings in this new position of yours I would be more than happy to relocate to the west coast....or Utah too!! (thats for all you UXOC people...) I am feeling quite bored here out east....