Originally posted by imacsae:
The fact that you are repeating what someone else told you and representing it as your own thoughts proves you don't know anything about it.
When the hell did I EVER present this idea as my own? I made it clear from the get-go I had heard it from someone else who I felt was reasonably qualified to comment on the design and was in fact working on a very similar project himself.
He actually inherited it from another shop that did most of the initial work but was unable to complete it due to outside circumstances, and he's finishing up the rest, ironing out the kinks, and addressing things that he feels weren't quite right. He wants to beef up the crossmember-to-frame junction on it, and wasn't even really commenting on the Calmini one other than to note that it too was bolting into the same tabs on the frame.

If I haven't made it clear, I'm totally digging the Calmini kit and haven't the slightest doubt that it will be anything but as good as it gets once it arrives. If it's indeed adaptable to the axle I have in mind for my X when it gets swapped, I'd certainly jump on it unless I were to end up going with a leaf or link setup instead.


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