Originally posted by xterrah:
Off Road Unlimited in Burbank took over and did the mounting of the compressor and switches on Project X. I talked to them and they said hooking up the lines and fabricating the bracket to the bumper would cost time plus materials. They charge $80 an hour and it would take a full day. The worse case scenario for the compressor install is about $640.00. I am going to opt to have it all done at Tri-County. If anyone has some pics of an ARB compressor installed in a front bumper (preferably Calmini bumper) and especially the bracket, I would very much appreciate it. http://www.offroadunlimited.com.

For the front LSD, Tri-County would charge about $700 total but that was just an estimate until they look up the actual cost of the part. Although they have installed lockers on two other Xterras, they are not as familiar with installing the front LSD. I told him I would get him information on the install and he said that would be very helpful. Brent was kind enough to post step-by-step instructions with pictures so I will be able to provide him with that. http://mywebpages.comcast.net/xterra/tech/LSD/ They said if I could find a front LSD on my own they would only charge for the install.

Thoughts are welcome.
I would recommend http://www.fourxdoctor.com/ in Burbank. [ThumbsUp]

They are a ARB and CALMINI recommended installer. They installed the first 3.92:1 transfer case gears in the nation in my X. Installed the CALMINI steering. Installed the CALMINI LSD in the front with WARN Premium Hubs(with fuses to prevent grenading CVC's) and ARB lockers in the rear. laugh

Off-Road Unlimited in Burbank is more like... if you have UNLIMITED money we will charge a arm and a leg. I went to them for a qoute on the ARB compressor install... they gave me the same B.S. price to mount it near the horn. I lost faith when I got a Optima Yellow Top Battery and they installed it with out cleaning the cables of corrosion. They gave me some B.S. about they don't have corrosion problems with Fords and didn't have anything to clean it with. mad

Four X Doctor mounted my ARB compressor to the first production CALMINI bumper. [ThumbsUp]

Bottom line if you look a my Rubicon Trail link... my vehicle was set-up by Four X Doctor with mostly CALMINI parts and a ARB rear locker. [ThumbsUp]
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860