I have a Jeep Cherokee, runs great, 13 years old, starting to get really beat, but man is it strong.

But, it is time for a new truck. I have read a lot about the Jeep Grand Cherokee and the Nissan Xterra, I am starting to move towards the Xterra, since to mean anyway, it seems like Nissans version of Jeep's Cherokee, somewhat small, tons of power and speed, without so much effort on creature comforts(a good thing, why would I spend an extra grand on heated seats?)

The problem is, there is only so much I can learn from the manual and online.

I am looking for a car that will last me just as long as the Cherokee, somewhere around 13 years and 162k miles. Is this the car for me? It sounds like a lot of people are having computer problems with their 2005s. What are your opinions on the 01-04?