i used to work for ez lube. I was top seller amonst the company. soo....when it comes to selling mobil1 im ur man.
its kewl that everyone has their own opinion, but its never a bad thing to be enlightened upon a subject a little more, enough to change your view.
that said. ANY New Motor on ANY oil will run roughly 15-25k miles b4 it'll blow. my buddy treats his car like shit and does an oil change whenever he feels. which is a year or 15k miles. whichever comes first. thats with shit $1 oil.
i had a person come into ezlub w/ a toyota camry and tell me they're on their 2nd motor at 23k miles!!!! Y? b/c his wife has never heard of an oil change. (motor was blown at 22k)

if you guys havn't read what i wrote about royal purple, i said, that it had better viscosity than other oils UP UNTIL 3000 miles. THE SYNTHETIC oil breaks down. WHICH ISN"T suppose to happen for any synthetic.
MOBIL 1 on the other hand doesn't break down. proven again and again. a while back when mobil one said they're oil was good up to 5k miles, it was really good up to 10k
another fact is that most high performance/luxury cars are factory filled w/ MOBIL 1 (range rover,corvette,viper) dont believe me...CHECK THE CAP.
the thing w/ the waruantee.....EZlube says it wont void it b/c they use the right grade and they have a big ass history thing that they can bring up. the history wont help, unless u go to ezlube EVERYTIME, that goes for all the other places that have history.
i dunno what else to write, but i gaurantee i can be able to sell you mobil 1, unless u heard me say "im 100% sure ill sell u synthetic"

Melissa...DONT LISTEN TO THE DEALERSHIP...alot of them just want money....US on the other hand are doing all this for FREE...PLUS we're car ENTHUSIST? if we had a freaking FSM(factory service manual) which is a bible for a specific car, then im sure that the forum is the only place you'll ever have to go for answer.

people dont run synthetic STRICTLY for the fact that they dont have to change oil as often.(well some do) BUT it has other benefits. like there is no WAX that will break down and gunk up your motor. theres Better cleaners. IT DOESN"T break down which mean its wont turn into water on you, losing its ability to lubricate and keep the engine at a stable temp. thats the biggest reason, reg oil breaks down NOT AT 3000 but other that period of time. 3000 is when the reg oil has broken down soo much, that its starting to harm the motor.
new motors have longer intervals because they come built better. the cylinder walls come micro pollished, the piston rings are better, they run tighter clearances and well....its good....i dunno....